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Saturday, March 17, 2012

   Here's the latest college football news . Penn State has named Bill O'brien head coach. He's practically an unknown. Which is very good in my book because Penn State needs a fresh start. This school has had it's image tarnished worse than any school in history.
    He's inheriting a program that noone wants to be a part of right now. His job is not only coaching football. His main job is going to be working to lift the stigma off the school. What stigma does it have? Penn State is now known as the school of pedophiles! Noone wants to coach there. Noone wants to play there.
   Coach O'brien has ventured into shark infested waters with this program. He has to have alot of courage and confidence to take the position. The pressure on thi sman is tremendous. We won't even talk about the fact he is replacinng a legend in Joe Paterno. If he turns PSU around he will be more of a legend than Joe Pa ever came close to being.
   Coach O'brien has some big shoes to fill. I believe he has a vision. He has an opportunity to take hold of this school and return it to greatness. If he can accomplish that awesome task then he may very well go down in the record books as the greatest coach to ever live. Good luck head coach Bill O'brien and PSU.  Godspeed.

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